System Configuration Guide

Please add all departments under your organization, employees required to select a department during registration.
Allow employee self registration
It is recommended that you allow your employees for self-registration.
  1. Enable it by checking the checkbox here and save the changes.
  2. Download QR Code or copy the Link.
  3. Publish the QR code or Link within your organization. Your employees can self-register through the link.
  4. Self-registered accounts are not automatically activated, the system administrator will be notified by email, please follow the link in the email to approve the new user account.
Manual Registration
System administrators can also manually register employees here.
  1. Enable it by checking the checkbox here and save the changes.
  2. Download the QR code and paste it to your visitor registration entrance. Visitors scan the QR code and then fill in personal information.
  3. Assign roles to your employees (e.g security guards) so they have the permission to verify visitors entry and exit.
More System Module
Use Employee Gate Pass to manage employees going out during working hours for business or personal matters. Gate Pass is subject to superior approval and the entrance administrator (e.g security guards) will be able to verify the employee in/out on the system.
  1. Enable it by checking the checkbox here and save the changes.
  2. Assign roles to entrance administrator so they can verify the employees in/out.
  3. Important! The Approval Group must be configured. Otherwise, the gate pass will not be able to submit for approval. Recommend to assign approver groups by department (rather than per employee), which simplifies configuration.
The Material Gate Pass can be used in several aspects, such as a proof of item handover between departments, records of dispatched items, or tracking of item returns, etc. Whether the recipient is internal or external, they can scan the QR code on the Gate Pass to confirm receipt of the materials instead of signature as long as they register a system account.
  1. Enable it by checking the checkbox here and save the changes.
  2. Assign roles to entrance administrator (e.g security guards) so they can verify outgoing material if any.
  3. Important! The Approval Group must be configure. Otherwise, the gate pass cannot submit for approval. Recommend to assign approver groups by department (rather than per employee), which simplifies configuration.
e-Leave is an extended service of employee gate pass. In the same form, employee can have the option to apply for leave or gate pass. Generally, e-Leave is managed by the HR department, configuration of e-Leave may require some experience with leave management.
  1. Enable it by checking the checkbox here and save the changes.
  2. Assign roles to HR Manager and HR Staff.
  3. Important! The Approval Group must be configure. Otherwise, the e-Leave cannot submit for approval. Recommend to assign approver groups by department (rather than per employee), which simplifies configuration.
  4. More Settings

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